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Trading Stocks for Spirituality: The Shift to Intuitive Wisdom

Discover the courage it takes to strip away the masks of conventional success and embrace a life of spiritual fulfillment, as we are joined by Steph Mahony, a former finance expert turned divine channeler and intuitive healer. Steph’s gripping narrative of transformation is not just a chronicle of personal change; it’s an empowering guide to finding your true calling beyond the materialistic confines of society. Hear how her shift into a heart-centered existence forged a path for others to uncover their own blueprints of destiny and foster a deeper connection with their highest selves.

Steph’s personal anecdotes serve as a beacon of insight, demonstrating the impact of divine channeling and spiritual guidance on understanding life’s purpose. Her experiences shed light on the universality of intuitive talents and the journey towards embracing one’s spiritual calling, offering validation and encouragement for those seeking to develop their own psychic abilities.

Key Takeaways:

– Overcoming fear of judgment and finding inner voice to inspire others.

– The evolution of personal development and the acceptance of ancient wisdom.

– Channeling wisdom, inspiration, and creativity through connecting to a higher place.

– Overcoming fear and showing their true self, emphasizing the importance of alignment and living in flow.

– The exhaustion of wearing multiple masks and the need to let go of societal expectations.

– Helping others identify and neutralize karmic lessons from past lives.

About our Guest:

Years ago, Steph Mahony’s life was a mess, but she transformed her mess into a Million Dollar Life and today she is obsessed with teaching people how they can do the same. Her magic lies within her powerful ability to heal people’s deepest wounds, so they can rise up from the ashes, and create a life they truly love. Steph is a Divine Channel, Reiki Master, Holy Light Intuitive Healer, Speaker, Author, and the Founder, of The Blueprint to Your Million Dollar Life. Her mission is to heal, transform and help women step into their purpose, so they fulfil the highest timeline of their charted destiny. But her most coveted role, however, is being a wife and mom to her own million-dollar family.


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Steph Mahony:

The role of a CEO is just as important as the role of a mother who's choosing to stay home with her family. They're equally sacred. And as long as we stay in our parallel life stream in our roles, that's when we're in the flow to achieve happiness. It comes when we're living somebody else's dream for us, that we get out of alignment.

Hilary DeCesare:

Welcome to the ReLaunch podcast. And today is a great day. And I believe when you wake up in the morning, and you look at your calendar for the day, and you see someone on there that you know, will impact not only your life, but others. You know, it's going to be that amazing day for everybody involved. And when I start talking about coaching and impact and strategic partnerships, collaborations, the things that keep businesses thriving. There is always that heart centered piece of it that I believe is one of the most important you've heard me say it time and time again, three HQ, the headquarters of you, your head, your heart, and that highest self, the best version of you. And today, I have the pleasure of having Steph Mahony on the show. And her story is not unlike many of you years ago, Steph's life was a complete mess. But she transformed her mass into a million dollar life. And today, she isn't just like dabbling in that she is obsessed with teaching people how they can do the same thing. Her magic and you hear me always talk about the magic within us, lies within her powerful ability to heal people's deepest wounds. What happens when you heal the wounds is that you rise up from the ashes. You create a life that you truly love. That's in alignment and Steph is actually a divine Channeler she's divine Channeler we're gonna hear all about what that means. She is a Reiki Master and you know that are recently Reiki certified. She is holy, light, intuitive healer. She is an incredible speaker, author and the founder of the blueprint to the million dollar life. Her mission is to heal, transform and help women step into their purpose so that they can fulfill the highest timeline of their charted destiny but her most coveted role. God love this is that she is a wife and mom to her own million dollar family. How awesome is that? And Steph, I actually met you when you were on wakeup with mercy. And Hillary and I had this immediate connection to you. And I said, this four minute episode isn't nearly long enough. What can we do get get you on the relaunch podcast as quick as possible was my solution. And here we are.

Steph Mahony:

Oh my gosh, thank you so much, Hillary. And I absolutely felt the same as a pleasure to meet you both. But like what are you know, that's like divine intervention right there. People living all across the world in that moment, and we just totally hit it off.

Hilary DeCesare:

It was amazing. It really was immediately the connection. Yes.

Steph Mahony:

And I just love me so much. Like, yeah, I

Hilary DeCesare:

feel like well, I have to say I probably said this to you. I feel like we've we've known each other a very long time. Yes. And that's not the case. From a linear timeline perspective. There's a lot more there than meets the eye. And so I think that there's so many, gosh, just things that happen to you that you're going through. And when you went through them and things that I've gone through or currently am going through, that are crossing over, and I want to go back and I love starting these shows with what do you think so far to date in your life is the most significant relaunch that you've had that really has shaped you and your life of the staff today? What would that be? What is that relaunch?

Steph Mahony:

While Hillary is like literally stepping into my higher purpose. So I've learned I've worked in the financial securities industry for the last 20 years. I like to say sorry, when I was 10

Hilary DeCesare:

I say not a lot, you know, it's

Steph Mahony:

just but and I always thought that this would be it It you know, I loved my industry, I worked with the stock markets, I like, become a top of my game winning awards. And I was like, This is amazing, you know, I fulfilled my purpose it, which is what I thought it was, and how life reveals itself. There's always a purpose or a dream behind another dream behind another dream. So you know me here thinking I when I retire one day, in this job at a financial institution with a pension, now I'm being called for a higher purpose. And that's literally up leveled and pivot me into this new direction, where I'm doing both at the top at the same time at the moment, but I am really pushing forward 1,000%. And today, I've

Hilary DeCesare:

got to ask you, I've got to ask you this. Do people at your financial institute? Do they know that you're doing this? Yes,

Steph Mahony:

yes. And they follow me on Instagram.

Hilary DeCesare:

Okay, because if you think about it, and I love this, because I was at corporate giants, Silicon Valley, almost 10 years. And if I could go back, and let's say that last year, I was there, and people found out what I was really doing, and really talking about three HQ. I think that they might actually start laughing, like Hillary, talking about heart, you're talking about highest self, you're talking about the G Zone, you're great.

Steph Mahony:

Like, this is why we understand each other because that's what my inner fear was, too. I was shown this new path, and I was like, Oh, this sounds exciting. And I didn't, because I was so scared. Scared of fear of judgment, fear of rejection, like people gossiping about me, like wondering what I'm doing. I mean, I work with the financial, like, with the stock

Hilary DeCesare:

markets with high net worth trying mathematical frame,

Steph Mahony:

like 3d, very physical, right. And now here I am, like, healing karma. And, you know, I'm, I'm stepping into this spotlight of very five d perspectives that they don't understand. So I was like, how is this going to be and at first, I was going to create a business name, or nobody knew me, but like, nope, your business name is your name, you're gonna lead by your name. And I was like, well, who's my audience gonna be? And they're like, everybody who's already following you. So it was more of like, starting small to grow fast, right? But I would like, I just trying to find my voice, right, and my inner voice, and then I would just propel a little bit, just by speaking and sharing things. And I realized that not like, nobody was saying anything, and nobody was leaving me and nobody was all of these fears that I had actually were okay. And now they tell me, I inspire them. They're like, I'm the voice of conscious they like, like stuff one day when you leave the bank, we're gonna have to hire you to be our speaker, you know, and like they've really taken this on. So I

Hilary DeCesare:

find fascinating is that, you know, the world of corporate, very IQ based, right. And I think about IQ being, you know, that intelligence process, very driven by strategies, and this and that, and, and it things have morphed things have, as you said, people are starting to be like, Yeah, I think and I want to get your opinion on this. There's something that over the last probably 10 years, you know, I think the secret gave a little bit of this opening up to law of attraction. And it's, it's starting to take speed, it's starting to take off but, but I talk ancient wisdom all the time, and I know you do too. 100 years ago, Think and Grow Rich. 100 years ago, Florence. Scovel. SHINN, 100 years ago, all of the same concepts. Were out there, but they were muffled. They were pushed down. They were like, no, no, if you think that Oh, you're too Whoo. And I always say who knew? Woo could be so good for you? Right? What What about Woo is bad if it's gonna help you have a million dollar lifestyle? So what do you think about that what has happened?

Steph Mahony:

So the world is ascending is what's happening. We're going through this dark 3d ascension, where it's all anger, negativity, judgment. And finally, there's more light coming into the world where we're all starting to awaken to who which really are what we're actually doing in this world. And that may be we're actually more alike than we are different. Maybe, just maybe we're all really good people. Right. And I think we're starting to awaken to this. Some are faster than others. But all paths lead to Rome. And we're eventually all going to get there. But the things that we're talking about right now, we would have been burned at the stake like hundreds of years ago, because they would have been crazy, just like you saw it, right, we, but now people are starting to get it. And I started off with his huge fear of judgment. And I was so scared of what people were gonna think, because I think I literally was that person who's speaking truth, that's, you know, so many lifetimes ago, and was persecuted. But now, people are actually open to listening, not everybody. And sometimes that breaks my heart, because I have such great intentions, and people are still leaving my life or not aligning to it. And I just have to learn that you know what, that's okay. Because we all get there at different times. And when they're ready for it, I'm going to be ready. And I'm still gonna be here, and I'll help them when they're ready to rise up with me, but I can't state back down there anymore.

Hilary DeCesare:

Isn't that the truth? And when you start to have that, I, you know, the rumbling inside you that that something has to change something you know, you've got, I even looked at, I remember, I looked around at my life, and I was like, wow, people would be happy with this. Why am I and my grandma called it the divine discontent? Why am I not just over the top excited about my life? And what's happening? And, you know, is this depression is this anxiety is this what is it? And what some someone that was brought into my life at that time, it was two years before my mom died, was a gentleman named DX Shaman. And he started to open me up to kind of things I had never in my world. My dad was a doctor, my grandfather was a doctor, you know, I mean, we were like very western medicine started to open me up to these new ideas. What I didn't know when I do now is that my mom would die two years later. And if I hadn't have basically started to be open to hearing, to listening to what else is out there. I think that that my rock, my mom passing so suddenly would have would have literally destroyed me. So I look at it like, wow, thankfully, I the inner voice my wise woman. Yeah. So for you, were you always kind of in tune to this kind of this, this ability to connect with source or did that come on? Suddenly? What what what was your story?

Steph Mahony:

Are you ready for it?

Hilary DeCesare:

I love this. Are you kidding? This is what I did is people are like, Well, Hillary, you go from one station. That's totally on the other end. Because

Steph Mahony:

like I said, and people are like, Oh, that's nice. But um, so I was in a very toxic abusive relationship, verbally abusive, narcissistic, I lost all of my friendships, my identity, I had no idea who I was. Okay. So that was for three years. And one day, I finally had the courage to leave, but I was leaving to the path of nowhere, because I literally had nothing and nobody to go to. So it was in this deep state of depression, that an inner voice came to me. And it said, give your life to me. And I looked at that voice as if I could look at something. But in my mind, I was like, this is like, I have just left a controlling relationship. I am never gonna give my life to anybody anymore. You can just go is what I said. So then, my life continued to downward spiral into new levels of rock bottom, and I was suicidal at that point. I had no reason of wanting to be here anymore. And then boys came back to me and said, Stephanie, give your life to me. And then immediately I looked at it, and I was like, You know what, and as if I could do this, I don't know. But I threw it. I'm like, You can have my life because I don't even want it anymore. And in my mind, I just walked the opposite direction, like completely done with this voice with everything. And and then I went away. And what I noticed as After very, very slowly is that I felt like I had a, like a spotlight over my life like a flashlight. And it began to help me moment by moment, decision by decision untangle this deep web that I was in. And slowly went deeper. And it went actually into my heart. And it started to help me like, relieve this pain. And this deep, these deep wounds I was holding on to. And I created this roadmap for me. And many, many years ago, many, many years later, I should say, it transformed nothing that I had into everything I have now, right? All of the secret desires, my heart that I've always prayed for finally come true. And it's authentic happiness is authentic inner peace, and it's living my purpose. And now stepping into this place where I want to show other people how they could do the same. But the thing is, is that I didn't know how I did it. Everyone for so long looked at me as this poor girl, you know, I had my body blistered with cystic acne, my body's starved from an eating disorder, I had infertility, I had lost all my money in the stock, like I was just so in such rough shape in all areas of my life, right? And they're like, how did you get from that to this? Like no, and I didn't even know, right. And it was upon meditation a few years ago, when I was meditating. And I got, like this blip in my mind. And it showed me the blueprints, the blueprint of a person's incarnation, that no matter where they started, that we're all meant to live the highest timeline of our destiny. That's what I call your million dollar life. And it's not love of self love of materialism, love of power. It's like, the love have your genuine life. Like you're sincerely happy. And you can have everything like nice cars, or like a nice boat, like you can have that all but it means that you're going to bed genuinely happy and at peace. Versus broken, angry and bitter.

Hilary DeCesare:

I think every one is out there like, Okay, what is this blueprint? And you said it was it basically came to you? Yeah.

Steph Mahony:

So, yeah, so Exactly. So through this process, I realized I'm actually a divine channel. And, you know, we all have gifts. Yeah, tell us

Hilary DeCesare:

what that is.

Steph Mahony:

Yeah. And so I have the ability to connect with the other realm. And I have been able to connect with people who have crossed over, but my gifts are not for that purpose. Like, I'm not meant to channel Aunt Sally, who's and her cousins, you know. But I am meant to connect with divinity. So that's angels, spiritual guides, ascended masters. And my main teacher is Jesus, Master Jesus. And the thing is, is a

Hilary DeCesare:

good master. If you're gonna have a master you, you went for the big guy, I, but

Steph Mahony:

it was all contracted, you know,

Hilary DeCesare:

and what I wanted, as were as people are listening, and they're like, you know, their eyes are rolling into the back of their head, I want I want people to realize that we all have a gift. So I had a near death experience when I was two, and it left me very heightened to my own intuition. Like sometimes I was like, Whoa, did they say it? Or did I just think that and, you know, really crazy things. But what I have found working with people for you know, 23 plus years is that we all have intuition. First off, everybody, everybody and some habits stronger than others. But the best part about it is that you can build it out now. The Divine channeling is a heightened level of continuation of that right intuition and being able to connect and being I think, most importantly, open, open to it and not feeling like okay, these two broads are cray cray.

Steph Mahony:

And for anybody looking in, like I would get it, I get it because I didn't grow up. I grew up in a Catholic church like they do not teach us in Bible school. And what happened if I can just quickly share just to see the transition, but it was was 2019. I was in this process of starting to hear that heightened awareness that you were saying, right, and I started to hear things more often. audibly and I was like starting to. It was just, I felt like something wanted to communicate. So it was January 1 2020. Where before that the world went crazy. I just was trying to set my intentions like New Year's resolutions. And I was just asking, you know, what is my purpose, and all of a sudden Hillary, something started writing through me. And I was writing this beautiful page of all this stuff that I'm going to do in this world. And it was amazing, but it wasn't me. Like, who do you talk to? Right? So I thought, like, the next logical thing was to go to a psychic and I couldn't believe what she said. So I went to for more to like, really? Like

Hilary DeCesare:

me, I was like, Okay, wait, is that true? Let me

Steph Mahony:

know. Yeah. I want

Hilary DeCesare:

to tell you something so funny. Okay, this I know I'm interjecting. No, I had a tarot card reading this weekend. Yeah, this last weekend. And I was like, Oh, my God, it was really great. It was a really great reading. And so I happen to have somebody who's going to be on the podcast, and it was a guest. And they basically did another tarot card reading for me yesterday. Oh, and the same cards, the same cards, like a majority of them. And I thought to myself, Okay, this is so what you just said, I needed to hear, like, how many times you need to hear something that they're

Steph Mahony:

right. Exactly. Really? Are you sure? Are you sure? Sure it was okay, because we're just trying to keep yourself safe, right? So, after the fifth, what am I okay, I think they're onto something. And basically, yes, you are a divine channel. Yes, you are going to you're meant to be a healer, you're gonna travel around the world. So they're saying these things and I'm like, wow, travel around the world. I just don't have that much vacation time. Like I just kind of do this off. And I'm like, What's a healer? Like, like a doctor? Like, I don't know, I don't even know what, like

Hilary DeCesare:

going back to medical school. I don't have time for that either. Oh, like, you know, I'm

Steph Mahony:

pretty busy. So listen, anyone who judges like, I get it. I totally judge myself too until like it started living it. So it took me a full year to really step into like, okay, no, no, Stephanie, like, this is real. You know, it's definitely

Hilary DeCesare:

I have to say, authors, authors, so many times say that they get into the zone when they're writing their books. And I, you know, they say I, you know, I don't know where it came from, it just came through me that's channeling it is.

Steph Mahony:

I call it the 99% light, like we wrote that we live in a world around of darkness, the 1% Realm of Darkness, but under the other side of the veil to the 99% of light, this is what they talk about in the Kabbalah. And that's what I've been shown as the holy grail truth. And anytime you connect, that's when you get streams of wisdom, flashes of wisdom, inspiration, like creative ideas, solutions, higher level perspectives, that's just us channeling to that higher place. And we all have that ability. So exactly what you said like, I want to show people that this is meant for everybody. Nobody is special. Everybody's special to entertain me. Like we all have this gift retailer

Hilary DeCesare:

and Gabby Bernstein talks about, you know, the attractor right or what has call it something. It's a book. She just wrote a

Steph Mahony:

Super Chat. Listen, talking about that Uber and CMK imposter syndrome. When I first started this, I was such a mess because I am like, I can't show the world my true self. What are they going to think? What are my co workers gonna think? So I had so many breakdowns where I would cry and Gabby Bernstein was like, my like, everything, you know, she's the first person I knew like I could relate to who's doing this. I was like, Guys, I think you have the wrong person. Go fight Gabby. You're gonna love her. She's gonna do a great job.

Hilary DeCesare:

She'll do it. Don't have me Yes.

Steph Mahony:

She'll go finder, and and they kept coming back to me. I don't know. So you know, like

Hilary DeCesare:

so let me ask you When do you quit your job? What do you do this full time you

Steph Mahony:

know, I'm in this process of acceleration. So when I can allow this to take over financially so I can maintain this plus better standard of living for me and my family. You know, we do like nice things and we do love to travel and we you know, I don't want to give any of that up. I'm like, Listen, I'm not one of those people who want to like homestead and that's okay, like I really want to live my best life. This is your passion is I want to show ya know when it does happen. Yeah, that's when this gonna take over. And one of the most important things I really tried to teach people is that all of our purposes are divinely charted and equally important, they're just different. You know, the role of a CEO is just as important as the role of a mother who's choosing to stay home with her family, they're equally sacred. And as long as we stay in our parallel live stream in our roles, that's when we're in the flow to achieve happiness. It comes when we're living somebody else's dream for us, that we get out of alignment. Or if we're doing what I did, and putting on a different face, or you know, you have to take your mask off, but you're scared to show the world. So the faster we can do that through our own free wills, the faster we get into alignment, and the happier we are to propelling to where we're meant to be.

Hilary DeCesare:

It is so true. And I often say about those masks that it's exhausting. Oh, masks we wear. It's exactly, oh, I'm here, I'm the mom, here, I'm the wife here. I'm the sister, the, you know, friend, the CEO that I mean, it's just a end of mass,

Steph Mahony:

one thing I want to share with your community is that our inner self will always know when we're out of alignment, because we have an arrow, a compass that lives within us that knows our blueprint, and that compass only points north, that's, that's your million dollar life, it only points in one direction. So when we're out of alignment, through free, well, we can be pointing West. And that's when we're stuck. We're confused life, it's dark or unhappy. And we keep spinning in the circle, where life will continue to repattern itself to show you, but it's until you're angry enough with your circumstances that you're finally gonna ready to change. And if you don't do that, if you're still wearing the mask, then the tower will fall in your life and you will hit rock bottom like I did. But rock bottom is beautiful, because you have nowhere to go but up. And that's

Hilary DeCesare:

the only thing that is so good. So how do you when you're working with people, and you're taking them through the million dollar blueprint? How do you like what's the beginning? What's the beginning? Yeah. Or to work with somebody?

Steph Mahony:

That's such a great question. So I hired a master astrologist, who does a deep dive into a person's astrology, their life spring life stream of who they are. But not only in this lifetime, in the future, and in past lifetimes. So we identify what their North Star is, which is their destiny in this lifetime. But then we also look at their life today and who they were in past lives, because there's a golden thread of karma. That means that because everything's kind of happening at the same time, if we're unable to heal or resolve things that have kept us stuck before, whether it was yesterday or three lifetimes ago, it will always come back to us, it'll magnify, so we're forced to face it. So in this astrology report, we take a look to see who you were in the 1800s, who you were in the 1900s, what you're doing, what you're singing what life looks like. But then the more important part of it is identifying your karma, the main lesson that you had, and if you're unable to fulfill your karma or neutralize it, it comes to you in your next life. But magnified, like I said, right? So we identify what that is what it is in this lifetime. And then as a divine healer, I can actually extract that or begin to extract that from a person's energetic matrix. So the glass ceiling that has kept them stuck, that they don't even know that there's a glass ceiling, all of a sudden, it opens. And then my program is to show them the pathway that look now it's open. And here's the pathway up and I'm going to show you how to get there the fastest way because you're not doing it alone. I have ascended masters who created this program, I'm just their channel and every single session, there's a new Ascended Master that goes through a death to rebirth to ascension process. And these people, the students that I've had my program are actually becoming more psychic and knowingly, they're starting to have heightened awareness starting to actually see visions, but it's all related to the thing, the pathway of where they want to go.

Hilary DeCesare:

So you give them that clear path and you get like,

Steph Mahony:

the highest of them open. It's their highest self. Yeah.

Hilary DeCesare:

So we're not so good. I have to ask you, where can people go to find you and what are you working on right now? Absolutely.

Steph Mahony:

So I'm right now I'm working on a podcast your million dollar life podcast that people can check out at Steph Mahoney through YouTube through all of the podcast outlets they can visit. Get me through Instagram, Facebook tick tock at Steph Mahoney. It's very simple. I'm not that creative. It's just, I like and it's just my name. And then my programs available on my website, StephMahony.com.

Hilary DeCesare:

Steph, thank you so much for being here. This has been enlightening, to say the least hopefully people are like hot, interesting. And when you start to hear it 234 times out there, maybe it is your time to put your you know, put your toe in the water. Who knows? Because, you know, again, what, what do you have to lose opening up your intuition opening up to gifts that are already wanting to be given to you. So it's just so great to have you here and I loved how you explained things. And for everyone out there, we talk about Ready Set relaunch, maybe this is your opportunity to take that next step to really open yourself up to to have that you know, set yourself up for additional success for the million dollar lifestyle, the lifestyle of success we talk about all the time. I look forward to seeing your success. I am so excited. You're gonna have to let me know as soon as you no longer are focused in two different completely different energetic, energetic areas. And everyone I look forward to having you back next week for another incredible re launch podcast hearing more of the relaunches that are shaping people's lives and what their outcomes are and how that sometimes just by hearing somebody else's relaunch, it gives you strength and inspiration to move forward with what you're going through. Everyone have a wonderful week and we'll see you next time.