
What is the Power of Finding Your Common Denominator?

Are you stuck on repeat? Do the setbacks in your life seem to follow the same pattern? Chances are, there’s a common denominator. Valerie Shepherd is The Relaunch Co’s CMO, or as I like to call her, our Chief Magic Maker. She is also co-author of The Ex-Wives Guide to Divorce, a book she wrote

What is the Power of Finding Your Common Denominator? Read More »

7 Steps to ReLaunch Your Life Right Now

Have you ever wondered how people that experience major transitions or setbacks find their SILVER LININGS and, ultimately, SUCCESS? Like it or not, we will all encounter TRANSITIONS in life. Perhaps you’re going through one right now. Some of the most common include: Divorce Relationship change Job Loss/Career change Health crisis Loss of a loved

7 Steps to ReLaunch Your Life Right Now Read More »

Ready, Set, Relaunch!: A New Podcast The Silver Lined ReLaunch

At some point, you have to hit the record button (as WELL as reset button!). And that’s exactly what happened when I started and launched the podcast, The Silver Lined ReLaunch in less than 30 days. Now, that does not mean that I only thought about doing a podcast for 30 days, it’s been on

Ready, Set, Relaunch!: A New Podcast The Silver Lined ReLaunch Read More »