7 Steps to ReLaunch Your Life Right Now

Have you ever wondered how people that experience major transitions or setbacks find their SILVER LININGS and, ultimately, SUCCESS?

Like it or not, we will all encounter TRANSITIONS in life. Perhaps you’re going through one right now. Some of the most common include:

  • Divorce
  • Relationship change
  • Job Loss/Career change
  • Health crisis
  • Loss of a loved one
  • Empty nest

Every one of these bring CHANGE. But they don’t have to mean DEFEAT. They can result in GROWTH and SUCCESS if you approach them the right way.

At The ReLaunch Co. we help our clients find their SILVER LININGS through 7 SIMPLE STEPS called the RELAUNCH EFFECT. These 7 STEPS have changed my life and allowed me to get through the toughest of tough times, from the GREAT DIVORCE, to a MAJOR COMEBACK, and a CAREER RESET.

I believe they can help you, too – through any transition you face.


Before we get to the STEPS, think of your life as a three-legged stool. One leg is your relationships, the second leg is your career, and the third leg is your mindset and spirituality. But we’re missing something here…

The SEAT! Of course! The seat is at the highest level, your LIFE CENTER. The seat is LOVE.

When you’re operating on each leg and not at the CENTER of the stool, you’re operating out of FEAR. And FEAR is the opposite of LOVE. Consider these thoughts that stem from FEAR:

  • I’m not worth it
  • I’m going to be alone forever.
  • I’m not smart enough
  • I’m not good enough

REFOCUS your center to one of love and let’s get started!


The first step is to RELEASE what’s holding you back. You may know exactly what this is. If you’re not sure, spend some time reflecting on your past. When you RECOGNIZE the change you want in your life, it’s easy to see the pieces that won’t fit going forward.

Whatever is in the way – LET IT GO! When you let go of the past, you’re free to RELEASE what’s holding you back.

  1. RESET

Next, you need to press RESET. This starts when you ACKNOWLEDGE that it’s time for a change and claim RESPONSIBILTY for where you are.

Make a list of those LIMITING beliefs I listed above – the ones holding you back from a RELAUNCH. One tool I like to use here is the BELIEF BLASTER. If that belief is in the way of your success, blast it away. Then, hit RESET.


If I only have – fill in the blank – then I’ll be happy!

Have you ever said these words? Let’s face it, we all have! The truth is, we’re operating from a broken model. It’s time for a relevant REDESIGN.

Start by asking – who do I want to BE? And what do I need to DO to have what I want? Do you want that corner office? Do you want a more fulfilling marriage? Who do you have to BE to get there?

There are no limitations to this model. It’s all about taking the time to BELIEVE in your vision, to find CLARITY, and craft habits that will help you REDESIGN your life.


The next step is to REALIGN your intentions with your VISION in order to create a plan. Here’s how:

  • Make sure you know what you REALLY WANT.
  • Ask if it aligns with your VALUES
  • Look for any RED FLAGS that warn you may be on the wrong track.
  • Plan a STRATEGY to stay the course. This could include outside help in the form of an online course or coach or even a public declaration of your intentions. The more organized your strategy, the more likely you are to SUCCEED.
  • Check in with yourself. Remember, this is an INVESTMENT in YOU. Make sure you’re 100% committed.

When you REALIGN your intentions, you’ll get what you really want.


Regardless of the change you’re looking to make in your life, it’s time to REBRAND yourself into your BEST YOU!

To do this, examine ALL areas of your life for authenticity. You want the INTERNAL YOU to match the EXTERNAL YOU, and if you need to pivot to find it, then do so! When each part of your life works in harmony with the others, you’re ready to REBRAND.


Next, it’s time to REVEAL the new you – in your relationships, in your career, and in your LIFE.

As you move towards middle age, you may find your time consumed with caring for others – your significant other, your children, aging parents, and even coworkers. This may leave you feeling INVISIBLE.

When you RELAUNCH your life, you aren’t neglecting those closest to you. Instead, you have made the decision to MAXIMIZE your possibilities and AIM for the life you imagined you’d be living. This benefits everyone.

Get ready to REVEAL the new YOU!


The last step is simple – RESTART your life! From tiny habits you want to break, to a new career, or a new calling. From finding a new relationship to reigniting an old one. Take your plan and get out there. Continue the momentum with the right tools and enjoy the journey.

Don’t let your SETBACKS lead to DEFEAT. Use the 7 STEPS TO RELAUNCH to find your SILVER LINING and lasting SUCCESS.

At The ReLaunch Co. we’re ready to help you find your SILVER LINING. Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now! And don’t miss our 7 DAY UNSTUCK CHALLENGE to help you RELAUNCH today.

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